Picture essay writing
Imaginative Essay Topics
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Radical Policies of President Franklin D Roosevelt
President Franklin D. Roosevelt made the New Deal program to assault the Great Depression that was plunging the country into a money related emergency; his arrangement can be said to have been an extreme takeoff from Roosevelt†s forerunners. Roosevelt was carried to control with the desire that he would start a significant move in the idea of government, and his activities following his battle can legitimately be named Roosevelt†s antecedents can be said to have been a larger number of moderates than radicals. President Coolidge†s objective was to lessen the importance of the administration and to confine the forces of the overnment. He was substance to let the entirety of the nation†s issues work themselves out. He twice vetoed the McNary-Haugen charge, which would have definitely helped ranchers by purchasing crop surpluses. President Hoover accepted that the job of the gov†t. was not to take care of the issues, yet to enable the issues to vanish. He expressed that â€Å"if gov†t tackled society†s issues straightforwardly, individuals would surrender their opportunity and gov†t. would turn into the issue. †From open weight, be that as it may, Hoover started to advance more straightforward took care of. volvement, starting such projects as the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the Agric. Advertising Act, which helped ranchers by purchasing their yield surpluses. His activities had little impact on the economy, yet FDR ensured that his activities did. Roosevelt made an a lot bigger stride in utilizing took care of. association, all the more then some other President had done previously. Roosevelt†s reasoning varied in that he advanced direct help for the â€Å"forgotten man†in a tough situation. He didn't see anything amiss with gov†t. activism, and he decided to utilize the fed. gov†t. to attempt to recover financial development. A few projects, including the Agric. Modification Act and the National Reconstruction Administration, even permitted gov†t to turn out to be excessively included, bringing about Supreme Court enactment announcing them illicit and unlawful. His founded credit and value bolster programs which ranchers got needy upon, the Wagner Act as the regulator of work the executives relations, and a program to direct the financial framework and money related frameworks. At the end of the day, he essentially changed the job of gov†t in the ecomony and in the public eye by giving gov†t more authority over them. After the New Deal and the Second Hundred Days were finished, society held the desire that the Pres. what's more, the gov†t. were answerable for rectifying any or all issues that they had. All things being equal, Roosevelt†s radical activities had balanced out the economy and forestalled financial breakdown. Preservationists contend that Roosevelt sabotaged independence and free venture, however he essentially spared the country with his thoughts and changes. Roosevelt may have utilized the fed. gov†t. seriously in the public eye, yet he spared a huge number of jobless specialists and helped his individual man.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Prevalence Of Haemonchus Contortus Biology Essay
Pervasiveness Of Haemonchus Contortus Biology Essay Some house holds in urban communities rely upon animals keeping as a wellspring of vocation. Most urban ranchers have turned to keeping animals which require less space for instance little ruminants since land in urban regions is a rare asset. Uganda has an aggregate of 5.2 million goats as per a report by the Uganda department of measurements. In mukono locale, 2.9% of the agrarian family units back sheep and the all out number of sheep raised is 4,530. Out of 100 households,44.22 of them back 1 sheep, 47.99 back 2-4 sheep, 5.78 back 5-9 sheep, 1.55 back 10-19 sheep, 0.42 back 20-49 sheep and 0.04 back 50-99 sheep.(UBOS report). 19.5% of the agrarian family units back goats and the all out number of goats raised are 59,598. out of each 100 households,30.58 back 1 goat, 57.85 back 2-4 goats, 9.83 back 5-9 goats, 1.38 rear10-19 goats, 0.28 back 20-49 goats and 0.08 back 50-99 goats .(UBOS report). Goats and sheep have various helminthes parasites, a large number of which are shared by the two species. The most significant incorporate nematodes (roundworms), cestodes (tapeworms), and trematodes (accidents). 1.1 PROBLEM STATEMENT In Mukono abattoir the commonness of Haemonchus contortusâ (barber shaft worm) in the goats and sheep butchered isn't known at this point these parasites influence the nature of meat. These parasites cause maladies and lead to skinniness of the creatures in this manner influencing the nature of the meat. The parasites additionally cause monetary misfortune to the ranchers since an animal in unforeseen weakness condition will bring a modest quantity of cash. 1.2 JUSTIFICATION Since Haemonchus contortusâ (barber post worms) cause ailments in goats and sheep, so as to viably control these infections it is of most extreme significance to have a record on the predominance of the parasite. Overviews in abattoirs are an astounding methods for knowing the reasons for common ruminant ailments in a zone. (Adoun., 2012) 1.3 OBJECTIVES 1.3.1 OVERALL OBJECTIVE To build up the predominance Haemonchus contortus (hair stylist shaft worms) in goats and sheep butchered in the abattoir and how it very well may be controlled. 1.3.2 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To know the predominance of hairdresser post worms in goats To know the commonness of hairdresser shaft worms in sheep 1.4 HYPOTHESIS The predominance of Haemonchus contortus (hairdresser shaft worms) in goats and sheep in mukono abattoir isn't high. Section TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Haemonchus contortus (hairdresser shaft worms) in goats and sheep Gastrointestinal nematodes, ordinarily known as worms, present the most serious peril to the goat and industry .Haemonchus contortus, generally alluded to as the hair stylist shaft worm, is a clinical issue for goats sheep. (Maria Lenira Leite., 2006) It gets its name because of the hair stylist shaft appearance comprising of the white ovaries that contort around the red blood filled gut.( Jim Millerâ .,2000) Haemonchus contortusâ is circularly molded, tightened at the two closures, and has a total stomach related framework. This ravenous bloodsucking parasite causes frailty and jug jaw and has a huge ability to recreate through egg-laying. (Lynn Pezzanite et al.,) The hatchlings and the grown-ups cause little hemorrhages at locales of the abomasal mucosa where they feed. The ingesta might be rosy earthy colored and liquid. Worms may either be connected to the mucosa or free in the lumen. (Love and Hutchinson.,2003) Paleness, low stuffed cell volume (PCV), the runs, lack of hydration, fringe, and inward liquid collection are normal indications of hair stylist post worm pervasion. Pervaded goats and sheep have lower development rates, decreased conceptive execution, and are defenseless to maladies that in the long run lead to death. Haemonchus contortusâ may therefore represent an extraordinary decrease of benefits in little ruminant activity. (Maria Lenira Leite., 2006) 2.2 Distribution the event and predominance of stylist shaft worms is dictated by the climatic states of the region. The advancement of eggs and hatchlings is restricted to zones and seasons where fields are wet during the warm a long time of the year. Be that as it may, the hatchlings can make due on field for quite a while, especially during cool conditions, and can influence sheep outside the great time frames for improvement. (Dr Brown Besier., 2011) 2.3 Factors that add to hair stylist post worm pervasion in goats Condition with high temperatures, moistness, and precipitation Hereditary make-up of goats makes them exceptionally vulnerable Protection from anthelmintics because of inordinate utilization 2.4 Life cycle The worms happen in the stomach or fourth stomach of sheep and goats. They are up to 3 cm long. The existence cycle is run of the mill of roundworms of sheep. Grown-up worms lay around 5000 eggs which drop in the dung of the host. Hair stylists post worms are the most noteworthy egg makers of all sheep worms. The eggs incubate inside a couple of days, and tiny hatchlings rise. They relocate on to the field, where they might be ingested with the herbage munched by sheep. In the sheeps gut, hatchlings create to grown-up worms in around three weeks. (Dr Brown Besier., 2011) In the event that the worm enters the endurance phase of captured advancement, it could make due for a considerable length of time. Captured advancement includes the hatchlings staying in the abomasums of the creature without developing until months a short time later. This permits the worm to endure the winter months when the egg and hatchlings don't flourish well on the ground. The survivability of the free-living phase of H. contortus is short; truth be told, most infective hatchlings evaporate from the field inside 4 a month and a half in a wet tropical condition (Waller, 2004). 2.5 Signs of the hair stylist post worm invasion in goats and sheep The runs Lack of hydration Unthrift appearance, unpleasant hair coat, misery, low vitality, and dormancy. Altogether diminished development and regenerative execution Liquid collection in sub-mandibular tissues (bottle jaw), mid-region, thoracic hole, and gut divider Blood misfortune, white mucous layers, and weakness. (Maria Lenira Leite., 2006) 2.6 Effects of hairdresser post invasion in goats and sheep Haemonchusâ suck blood from the covering of the stomach, causing sickliness. Creatures with substantial contaminations of Haemonchus lack endurance, have pale gums and conjunctiva, and may likewise have bottle-jaw or clogging. Sheep and goats with lighter weights have a progressive beginning of weight reduction and loss of shading in the gums and conjunctiva On the off chance that present in huge numbers, Haemochus can murder goats and sheep. In these creatures huge, red masses of worms are unmistakably noticeable in the stomach. The stomach substance are regularly earthy colored in view of seeping from the stomach lining and the coating has pin-point blood spots on it. The blood of the goats and sheep is watery because of sickliness. In creatures with lighter contaminations worms are available in the stomach, however the covering of the stomach looks typical. 2.7 Risk factors for Haemonchosis in goats and sheep The probability of haemonchosis flare-ups is amazingly hard to anticipate, and fluctuates starting with one year then onto the next. (Dr Brown Besier., 2011) The hazard factors incorporate; 2.7.1 History of event The best manual for the probability of an episode is the past history of haemonchosis on the individual ranch or in the locale, and how this fluctuates with regular conditions. 2.7.2 Weather and season Hair stylists post worm hatchlings need warm conditions and dampness on the ground to create. The danger of haemonchosis flare-ups is expanded in tropical climates. 2.7.3 Pastures Hair stylists post worm can endure where field stays green over summer. Run of the mill circumstances incorporate lasting fields and zones of dampness along rivulets and around troughs and leakage focuses. Flooded fields represent a particularly high hazard. 2.7.4 Type of creature Sheep and goats with a low or debilitated resistance to worms have a more serious danger of haemonchosis. This incorporates sheep and children for a few months subsequent to lambing. (Dr Brown Besier., 2011) 2.8 Management rehearses that can be utilized to control stylist shaft populaces in goats and sheep Abstain from touching goats and sheep on under 3 crawls of field shade. Hatchlings can't move higher than this on the grass and in this way won't be ingested. Increment utilization of peruse in touching frameworks. Parasite hatchlings can't scale onto peruse so goats dont ingest them. Turn species on pastures. For instance eat dairy cattle or ponies behind goats and sheep. Since parasites are species explicit, when a bovine or pony ingests a goat parasite it essentially passes on without causing harm. Try not to benefit starting from the earliest stage. Raised feeders help to dispose of fecal pollution and accordingly parasite transmission. Ensure that water and mineral sources are not tainted with dung. Permit fields to rest for in any event one year prior permitting creatures back on them. Hatchlings will make some hard memories enduring that long without a host and in this way the field will be moderately sans worm. Use yearly scavenges in your field frameworks and till the ground between crops. The demonstration of furrowing will in general murder or upset the hatchlings and eggs, diminishing transmission. Also, yearly scrounges will in general do best when brushed at more significant levels (4 to 6 creeps of shelter). (Jackie Nix., 2006) Control programs for Haemonchus contortus in goats and sheep Anticipation, instead of fix, is the way of thinking utilized in creating control programs against gastrointestinal nematodes. It must be accepted that worms can't be destroyed yet might be restricted to the degree that they won't cause genuine financial misfortune to the maker. A mix of treatment and the board are important to accomplish control. A few ways to deal with the utilization of anthelmintics are thought of. (Thomas M. Craig., 1999) Key The key methodology is the utilization of an anthelmintic when the majority of the complete worm populace is inside the host and not on the field. This methodology can be utilized when the creatures are moved from a tainted field to an about parasite free field. Strategic At the point when climate conditions hav
Friday, July 10, 2020
Essay Topics - Educating Yourself ForCollege
Essay Topics - Educating Yourself ForCollegeThe average college student will struggle to find a topic for an essay that will interest them. The main thing they want to do is find out what their school requires them to study. So they would do all they can to find the answer.Many colleges require all students to go through some type of college preparatory program. This allows them to learn the material while preparing for their major or course. A good example is AP courses. All high school graduates in California are required to take an AP exam as part of their curriculum.Some students choose to sign up for this program because they think it will help them gain admission to a better college. But there are many more that will really benefit from going through this program to prepare for college.Students will gain knowledge about how to express themselves and what the requirements for the subject matter are. They also gain a higher understanding of the classes that they are taking, which helps with their understanding of each subject.Because a student has to earn a grade in every subject in their high school curriculum, this helps them with preparing for their future. Once they get to college, they will be aware of the different types of content areas they will have to take.Because they have taken all their high school subjects, they are more aware of what the course curriculum consists of. In fact, the students are already thinking about the future and preparing for it.It doesn't take long for a student to realize that they do not want to have the same experiences over again. The best way to change these experiences is to change their education. So start your education today and be the most prepared person you can be.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Theory Of The Panopticon - 1433 Words
In this day and age, social media has become the norm, from the news to any person with access to the internet, have become reliant to fast a paced platform. Michel Foucault, 20th century French philosopher and social theorist, fully developed the theory of the panopticon, created by English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The panopticon, described by Bentham, is a prison structure where there are three walls constructed around the prisoner leaving an empty space where a fourth wall would normally be. The entire structure is usually in a circle, the prisoner knows that there are inmates to their left and right, but there is no way for them to communicate with one another. In the middle of the panopticon, there is a clearing where the watch tower stands. This is where the warden can observe the inmates, but there no way the inmates know when the warden is in the tower or not. The inmate does not know when they are or not being observed, for the entrance to the tower is underground. This makes the inmate to behave a different manner at all times because they do not know when they are being observed. Social media, has become in a way, a new panoptical platform where not only does the observed continue to be observed but also become the observer. There have been many discussions as to whether we can escape the panopticon through social media. We cannot escape the panopticon because there will always be someone observing us weather we putShow MoreRelatedThe Presence of Different Elements of Power in the Synagogue as Read in Malory Nye’s Religion: The Basics 1192 Words  | 5 Pagesreligious service. This essay will argue the presence of different elements of power in the synagogue we visited as discussed in Malory Nye’s Religion: The Basics. The reverence for the Torah resembles Michel Foucault’s idea of the power of the panopticon, which parallels the distinct power of the Torah. I will also argue that, based on the interactions between the rabbi and the participants at the service, Antonio Gramsci’s concept of hegemony was not properly represented in the synagogue. TheRead MoreThe Theories Of Louis Althusser And Michel Foucault1615 Words  | 7 PagesI look at the way power is exerted throughout the ritual at Kennedy Road Tabernacle in a Pentecostal church, demonstrating how those in power have control over the ones who are inferior or subordinate. Throughout this examination, I will use the theories of Louis Althusser and Michel Foucault to analyze the ways in which power is exerted within the members of this community. During my observations at our visit to the Pentecostal church, there was an unequal distribution of power between the menRead MoreSurveillance And Surveillance921 Words  | 4 Pagesbeing watched and recorded.†Moreover, the critics of how the psychological and social impact can be seen through with philosophical viewpoints. Michel Foucault an, French philosopher recognized for his influential contributions in which one of his theories establishes the understanding between power and knowledge and how they are implemented as a form of social control through societal institutions. Also, it is crucial to understand that the types of surveillance mechanisms used in correctional facilitiesRead MorePanopticism1253 Words  | 6 Pageswithin the society. According to this passage, Focault gives support to the basic argument concerning the panopticon, that communication is key to knowledge. Within the panopticon, there is no communication among the prisoners or those who view them . This becomes another aspect of power; it underlies the main idea of separation and communication as a form of shaping forces in the panopticon. The first phrase in the passage testifies to the basic structure of our society. The goal for our societyRead MoreThe Concept Of Power May Always Be Debatable1119 Words  | 5 PagesMichel Foucault builds off of Jeremy Bentham’s idea of the panopticon in his writing of Panopticism. He develops the social theory â€Å"Panopticism.†Through Foucault’s fascination with the panopticon, he demonstrates the impact constant surveillance has, not just in prisons, but also in society as a whole. The panopticon is a type of institutional building introduced by Jeremy Bentham. To gain a mental picture of the design of the panopticon, imagine a circular building with a tower in the very centerRead MoreFoucault once stated, â€Å"Our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance; under the surface800 Words  | 4 Pagesanalyzes in particular the Panopticon, which was a blueprint of a disciplinary institution. The idea of this institution was for inmates to be seen but not to see. As Foucault put it, â€Å"he is the object of information, never a subject in communication†(287). The Panopticon became an evolutionary method for enforcing discipline. Today there are different ways of watching people with constant surveillance and complete control without anyone knowing similar to the idea of the Panopticon. Foucault begins theRead MoreMass Surveillance and the Panopticon Analysis Essay1447 Words  | 6 Pages In Michael Foucault’s â€Å"Discipline and Punish†, the late eighteen century English philosopher Jeremy Benthams model of Panopticon was illustrated as a metaphor for the contemporary technologies of mass surveillance. Originally derived from the measures to control â€Å"abnormal beings†against the spreading of a plague, the Panopticon is an architecture designed to induce power with a permanent sense of visibility. With a tower in the center, surrounded by cells, the prisoners can be monitored andRead MoreIs Foucault s Panopticism?930 Words  | 4 PagesTo start, is Foucault s Panopticism. Panopticism uses the idea of Bentham’s Panopticon to elaborate the disciplinary ideas that he is trying to explain. The Panopticon is an â€Å"all seeing†structure that makes observations without the people ever knowing when they were being watched, even though it is clearly visible (Foucault, 204). Its gaze can be upon anyone, from a â€Å"madman, a patient, a condemned man†(Foucault, 200). These features allow Panopticism to be a passive power, rather than an activeRead MoreFoucault’s Panopticism and Its Application Within Modern Education Systems1697 Words  | 7 PagesPanopticism, a social theory based on Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon and developed by Michel Foucault describes a disciplinary mechanism used in various aspects of society. Foucault’s Discipline and Punish discusses the development of discipline in Western society, looks in particularly at Bentham’s Panopticon and how it is a working example of how the theory is employed effectively. Foucault explains, in Discipline and Punish that ‘this book is intended as a correlative history of the modern soul andRead MoreFilm Analysis: Enemy Of The State Directed by Tony Scott1728 Words  | 7 Pagesunrealistic they may be, into the real life security organisation; The National Security Agency (NSA). Using this film as an example and analysing how these themes are represented will hopefully allow us to key these ideas back to modern surveillance theories and practices. The films central narrative follows the protagonist, city lawyer; Robert Clayton Dean (Smith) who, after a series of accidental events, finds himself in possession of an incriminating video tape of Thomas Bryan Reynolds (Voight) who
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Growing Prison Industrial Complex - 1700 Words
The growing Prison Industrial Complex is an intricate web of profit-maximizing business endeavors at the expense of the livelihood of people of color in the continental United States and abroad. With immigration from Mexico and Latin America increasing each year and definitions of who is â€Å"legal†becoming more constricting as the Obama administration cracking down on illegal border crossing, undocumented immigrants are the fastest growing prison population. This research projects aims to look how migrant detention centers are growing under the Obama Administration and how privatization affects their ability to provide adequate and safe conditions for those under their care. Journal articles, academic writings, and narrative books have been used as a foundation for this research paper. Both public and private interests have found ways to profit from detaining migrant workers and have even gone as far to manipulate policy in order to ensure their facilities remain full. These tactics have had profound affects on Latino communities and have resulted in a plethora of physical, sexual, and mental abuse claims from detainees. The United States has come a long way from accepting â€Å"huddled masses yearning to breathe free†. Especially since such masses, with the collapse of several U.S. instituted governments in Central and South American happened to be primarily non-white people who can generate profit for the ever-expanding prison i ndustry. In 2013, 990,553 people grantedShow MoreRelatedAmerican Incarceration : Where We Are, And What Can Be Done?1518 Words  | 7 Pagesgenerating a profit for shareholders. With a 500% increase in inmates that is rivalled by no other country, the United States leads the world in imprisoning a fast-growing portion of its population. It is without a doubt that adverse changes in policy regarding imprisonment along with the formation and privatization of the prison industrial complex contributes substantially to the state of mass incarceration in the United States and will continue to shape its future for the years to come. Read MorePrison Industrial Complex Economics And The United States1157 Words  | 5 Pagesother country. In the article â€Å"Prison Industrial Complex Economics†, it states, â€Å"the United States has approximately 6.5 million people under the criminal justice supervision. Incarcerated rate has grown from 176 in 1973 up to 700 in t he year of 2000†(Waquant). Incarceration is a big business that feeds into drug violence, corrupted guards, and racism in criminal justice system, taxpayer cost, and racism in the criminal system and through privatization of prisons. Drug violence The United StatesRead MoreThe Prison Industrial Complex : How Do We Define It?1640 Words  | 7 PagesWhat if I told you that prisons in America aren t built for the main purpose of locking up â€Å"criminals†and making them better to re enter society and keeping other citizens safe but for some companies to make profit off of cheap labor? In essence that is the prison industrial complex. How do we define it? A few define it as a term that is used to explain rapid expansion of the US inmate population to the political influence of private prison companies and businesses that supply goods and servicesRead MoreThe Prison Industrial Complex Feels Like A Dirty Phrase1610 Words  | 7 PagesThe prison industrial complex feels like a dirty phrase, an almost unspoken taboo in this world. However, unlike most taboos, it is an unspoken taboo. No one likes to discuss the oppresion that is happening to a group of marginalized people. It is slavery, and unfortunately there is no other way to phrase it. Prisoners are being put to work, for cents an hour. They are being kept in cages, the conditions of which are atrocious, and then are let out for just enough activity and roaming time so theyRead MoreThe Prison Industrial Complex Within The U.s. Essay2151 Words  | 9 Pagesof the Prison Industrial Complex within the U.S. Following the privatisation of the prison industry in the 1970’s, the prison population of the U.S. has increased by an estimated 500%. Despite this, statistics suggests that overall reported crime rates have remained relatively stable. (Fortner, 2013). A question is raised then, as to why incarceration rates would be on the rise despite little change in crime. This essay will attempt to answer this question and to make sense of the Prison IndustrialRead MoreHow Does Lack Of Support System And Resulting Poverty Influence Prisoner Re Entry?916 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: (1.5-2) (Story on prisoner and his life after prison here) In 2014, the United States incarcerated 449,000 newly convicted offenders while releasing 636,300 inmates (Carson, 2015). Upon release, offenders were expected to be able to function back in society under parole supervision. This is not the case for many offenders. As they are released from prison, they lack the necessary skills, education, opportunities and support system to successfully reintegrate back into society (PetersiliaRead MoreThe Prison System Of America1052 Words  | 5 PagesThe â€Å"Prison Industrial Complex†was a term that was used by anti-prison activist within the prison abolishment movement to argue the attendant interest of prison industrialization, and t development of a minority prison labor force (Davis, 2003). This giant prison enterprise is an essential component of the U.S. economy, and has as its purposes such as profit, social control, and an interweaving of private business and government. These giant financial institutions recognized that pri son buildingRead MoreDownsizing Of The American Penal System1474 Words  | 6 Pagesrehabilitation and second was to find a way to stabilize the size of the U.S. prison system. A National Advisory Commission report from 1973 was documented saying that â€Å"no new institutions for adults should be built and existing institutions for juveniles should be closed†. They also concluded that â€Å"the prison, the reformatory and the jail have achieved only a shocking level of failure†. (1973, pp 523) The official association for prisons and jails in the United States, the American Correctional AssociationRead MoreAngela Davis and Feminism Essay1562 Words  | 7 Pagesher determination to combat inequality in gender roles, sexuality, and sexual identity through feminism. I will give a brief biography of Davis in order for the readers to better understand her background, but the primary focus of this paper is the prison industry and its effect on female sexuality. Angela Davis is an international activist/ organizer, author, professor, and scholar who defends any form of oppression. She was born January 26, 1944 in Birmingham, AL to Frank and Sally Davie. Both ofRead MoreSociologists Are Angry And You Should Be Too : Reflection On Readings Essay1747 Words  | 7 Pageson drugs as a factor leading to the rampant racism in police forces across America, which threw kindling on the fire of the Black Lives Matter movement, but that was not one of Western’s concerns while writing his paper. He discusses the prison industrial complex in great detail. With prisoners a social class all their own, equivalent to slaves, one could compare Western’s work to the observations of Weber. Prisoners have no property, very little wealth and almost no prestige in society, getting no
The Prinicple Of Utility Essay Example For Students
The Prinicple Of Utility Essay Word Count: 2337The Principle of Utility A. Jeremy Bentham (1748 1832)There are two main people that talked about the principles of utility and they were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. First off Ill talk to you about Mr. Bentham. It is helpful to see Benthams moral philosophy in the context of his political philosophy, his attempt to find a rational approach to law and legislative action. He argued against natural law theory and thought that the classical theories of Plato and Aristotle as well as notions such as Kants Categorical Imperative were too outdated, confusing and/or controversial to be of much help with societys ills and a program of social reform. He adopted what he took to be a simple and scientific approach to the problems of law and morality and grounded his approach in the Principle of Utility. The Principle of Utility1. Recognizes the fundamental role of Painand Pleasure in human life. 2. Approves or disapproves of an action on thebasis of the amount of pain or pleasure broughtabout (consequences). 3.Equates the good with the pleasurableand evil with pain. 4.Asserts that pleasure and pain are capableof quantification-and hence of measure. As with the emerging theory of capitalism in the 18th and 19th Century England, we could speak of pleasure as pluses and pains as minuses. Thus the utilitarian would calculate which actions bring about more pluses over minuses. In measuring pleasure and pain, Bentham introduces the following criteria:Its intensity, duration, certainty (or uncertainty), and its nearness (or fairness). He also includes its fecundity (more or less of the same will follow) and its purity (its pleasure wont be followed by pain vice versa). In considering actions that affect numbers of people, we must also account for their extent. As a social reformer, Bentham applied this principle to the laws of England for example, those areas of the law concerning crime and punishment. An analysis of theft reveals that it not only causes harm to the victim, but also, if left unpunished, it endangers the very status of private property and the stability of society. In seeing this, the legislator should devise a punishment that is useful in deterring theft. But in matters of private morality such as sexual preference and private behavior, Bentham felt that it was not at all useful to involve the legislature. Bentham also thought that the principle of utility could apply to our treatment of animals. The question is not whether they can talk or reason, but whether they can suffer. As such, that suffering should be taken into account in our treatment of them. Here we can see a moral ground for laws that aim at the prevention of cruelty to animals (and such cruelty was often witnessed in Benthams day.) (Cavalier)John Stuart Mill (1806 1873)It is better to be a human being dissatisfied that a pig satisfied;better Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied. For Mill, it is not the quantity of pleasure, but the quality of happiness. Benthams calculus is unreasonable qualities cannot be quantified (there is a distinction between higher and lower pleasures). Mills utilitarianism culminates in The Greatest Happiness Principle.(Cavalier)If I am asked what I mean by difference of quality in pleasures, or what one pleasure more valuable than another, merely as a pleasure, except its being greater in amount, there is but one possible answer. Of two pleasures, if there be one to which all or almost all who have experience of both give a decided preference, irrespective of any feeling of moral obligation to prefer it, that is the more desirable pleasure. If one of the two is, by those who are competently acquainted with both, placed so far above the other that they prefer it, even though knowing it to be attended with a greater amount of discontent, and would not resign it for any quantity of the other pleasure which their nature is capable of, w e are justified in ascribing to the preferred enjoyment a superiority in quality so far outweighing quantity as to render it, in comparison, of small account. (Cavalier) The principle of utility tells us to produce the greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness, making sure that we give equal consideration to the happiness and unhappiness of everyone who stands to be affected by our actions. The principle of utility can be applied in two different ways. The first is to apply it to individual acts. How are we to do that? Well, we might ask ourselves every time we act which of the options open to us will maximize happiness, but Mill did not recommend that procedure because it would be much too time consuming. Since we know that lying and staling and cheating will rarely maximize happiness when everyone is taken equally into account, the sensible thing to do is avoid such behavior without worrying about the principle of utility. (Barry pg.8)The learning process of Bentham and Mill was very strange and different. They expressed things in there own words that were different from the rest of us, and the way we might think about pleasure and happiness. Trying to understand where they were coming from was hard to follow and to understand. To understand the meanings of happiness and pleasure are difficult and will very from person to person. So when you think about it you try to see it from there point of view, but you can only see it from your view. You may understand there what there expressing, but your though is what counts. Beowulf - The Ideal Hero EssayMy view pointSeeing things from my point of view, Id have to agree with the argument of the Individualist view. Where each person is responsible for there own actions. They make there own decisions in life and should be responsible for them too. But in making those decisions there are consequences that you may pay for them. In our society there comes a time where we are working half the time for other people. And we have to accept that role in life. When we make money we can only spend about two0thirds of that because the rest of it is taken away for other peoples needs. That can be both good and bad, but I like to think that the money that I never see is going somewhere or to someone for a good reason. We all need help at some point in time, and I hope that after we get that help we can see that weve been helped and maybe now is a good time for me to help out someone else. Another means of money giving is to charity. Just like welfare, charity is anot her good reason for our society to help people or even groups that are in need for help or research. In our society there are many people that count on others for help. The people that need help for medical reasons or what have you deserve the right to benefit from charities or other outside donations. The one thing that our society can not do is take advantage of these actions and right them off on our taxes. We can not take advantage of the taxpayers money. We need to use our society in the best way we can ethically. Cavalier, Robert http://caae.phil.cmu.edu/CAAE/80130/part1/sect4/BenardandMill.html, 2/9/00. Barry, Vincent, Applying Ethics: A Text With Readings, Wadsworth Publishing,Belmount, 1983. Cohen, Warren, Ethics in Thought and Action, Ardsley House Publisher, New York, 1995.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Lung Cancer Essays (3194 words) - RTT, Lung Cancer,
Lung Cancer Lung cancer is not just one disease but rather a group of diseases. All forms of cancer cause cells in the body to change and grow out of control. Most types of cancer cells form a lump or mass called a tumor. Cells from the tumor can break away and travel to other parts of the body where they can continue to grow. This spreading process is called metastasis. When cancer spreads, it is still named after the part of the body where it started. For example, if breast cancer spreads to the lungs, it is still breast cancer, not lung cancer. Another word for cancerous is malignant, so a cancerous tumor is referred to as malignant. But not all tumors are cancer. A tumor that is not cancer is called benign. Benign tumors do not grow and spread the way cancer does. They are usually not a threat to life. A few cancers, such as blood cancers (leukemia), do not form a tumor. Most cancers are named after the part of the body where the cancer first starts. Lung cancer begins in the lungs. The lungs are two sponge-like organs in the chest. The right lung has three sections, called lobes. The left lung has two lobes. It is smaller because the heart takes up more room on that side of the body. The lungs bring air in and out of the body, taking in oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide gas, a waste product. The lining around the lungs, called the pleura, helps to protect the lungs and allows them to move during breathing. The windpipe (trachea) brings air down into the lungs. It divides into tubes called bronchi, which divide into smaller branches called bronchioles. At the end of these small branches are tiny air sacs known as alveoli. Most lung cancers start in the lining of the bronchi but they can also begin in other areas such as the trachea, bronchioles, or alveoli. Lung cancer often takes many years to develop. Once the lung cancer occurs, cancer cells can break away and spread to other parts of the body. Lung cancer is a life- threatening disease because it often spreads in this way before it is found. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women. During the year 2000 there will be about 164,100 new cases of lung cancer in this country. About 156,900 people will die of lung cancer: about 89,300 men and 67,600 women. More people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Lung cancer is fairly rare in people under the age of 40. The average age of people found to have lung cancer is 60. If lung cancer is found and treated by surgery early, before it has spread to lymph nodes or other organs, the five-year survival rate is about 42%. However, few lung cancers are found at this early stage. The five-year survival rate for all stages of lung cancer combined was 14% in 1995, the last year for which we have national data. A risk factor is something that increases a person's chance of getting a disease. Some risk factors, like smoking, can be controlled. Others, such as a person's age, can't be changed. Smoking is by far the leading risk factor for lung cancer. More than 8 out of 10 lung cancers are thought to result from smoking. The longer a person has been smoking, and the more packs per day smoked, the greater the risk. If a person stops smoking before lung cancer develops, the lung tissue slowly returns to normal. Stopping smoking at any age lowers the risk of lung cancer. Cigar and pipe smoking are almost as likely to cause lung cancer as cigarette smoking. There is no evidence that smoking low tar cigarettes reduces the risk of lung cancer. Nonsmokers who breathe the smoke of others also increase their risk of lung cancer. Non- smoking spouses of smokers, for example, have a 30% greater risk of developing lung cancer than do spouses of nonsmokers. Workers exposed to tobacco smoke in the workplace are also more likely to get lung cancer. There are other risk factors for lung cancer besides smoking. People who work with asbestos have a higher risk of getting lung cancer. If they also smoke, the risk is greatly increased. The type of lung cancer linked to asbestos, mesothelioma, often starts in the pleura. This
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